oops sorry to intrude I saw the title and thought someone was asking for
ya know if you all have this much time on your hands, I have a ton of work I
need outsorced :-)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: God-complex arrogant elitists

> Steve, have you considered...er... getting a life? I didn't even bother
> reading all your lengthy and poisonous and apparently mentally unstable
> rantings and ravings. What a silly post, don't you have anything better to
> do with your life? Time for some facts to get back on track to what the
> original CF issue was - i.e. Able Commerce IS user unfriendly, confirmed
> just about every response on this front. I am not a programmer but run a
> biz developing sites and ventures via a group of teams. My web developer
> spent two weeks doing data entry for hundreds of products. Then when it
> came time to publish, the program sucks on the output front. The icons are
> ugly, it is difficult to format pages, you cannot modify templates, since
> they are encrypted. The documentation is poor and not well thought out and
> therefore unhelpful. I have now personally modified categories, groups and
> products, yet the resulting output is still unsatisfactory because you are
> tied into a rigid form of working with this program. To some degree we can
> get a reasonable look, but nothing ideal as anticipated by the client.
> As far as bad vibes, that starts when people who don't even have a
> contribution on an issue use rude and disrespectful language such as
> - resulting in undoubtedly a disrespectful and satirical response. Yes I
> was frustrated with Able Commerce and no I don't care if that bothers you.
> There is more to life than CF, in the bigger picture don't you have
> anything else to do or any other aspect to your life other than reading
> forum posts all day long? You may perhaps be a programmer geek to get so
> worked up and mentally unstable about postings on a forum. For my part I
> run a business, need solutions that work so that we can get back to
> productive work. Feel free to 'piss' on and on and on with lengthy essays
> if it floats your boat. You didn't have any single positive contribution
> make on the Able Commerce situation, hence it would have been more
> appropriate for you to butt out unless you actually had some potential
> solution to share. If you're not part of the solution, why add to the
> problem? Don't like the topic, simple - ignore it - duh !!
> Are we done with all this anal retentive 'computer geeks with no life'
> nonsense now in order to return to some actual CF related issues?
> At 11:14 PM 4/16/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >lecomsavings.com>
> >Subject: Re: God-complex arrogant elitists
> >Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 23:14:19 -0700
> >
> >Thats it...
> >
> >I was going to shine your continual disrepectfull posts on.. but you just
> >wont quit.
> >
> >The one and only correct and positive thing you've contributed and
> >is about the great group of conscientous and helpful people that populate
> >this list/community.  We certainly do not need your venemous attitude and
> >general bad vibe polluting the list.  Go back and read your posts - they
> >wreak of a bad freakin attitude from start to finish.  And you want to
> >arrogance, God Complex and patronization - not to mention anal
> >retentiveness?  You exemplify each and every one of those traits.  Do you
> >type your worthless diatribe while looking in the mirror?
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