I know the whole CF and why people are using it issue has been hashed out
quite a bit but I would like to add my two cents coming from a different
background than most web developers.

I started my programmer career with C. In C you have absolute control over
everything going on in your program. You have a veritable dictatorship over
what your program is doing. Yes the code takes longer to write and it is
more prone to errors due to some of that very control you have. Most
programmers have a hard time with some of the concepts in C (Pointers,
Memory Allocation).

Next I found C++ and ColdFusion practically at the same time. From day one I
knew ColdFusion was a good tool. After working for about a year building web
applications I knew ColdFusion was a *great* tool for building most web
applications. This is in the 2.0 days, so keep that in mind. I already
wanted to do things CF simply could not do, or did not do the way a project
needed them to. When I had to I fell back on my C programming skills to
create a CFX tag to give me the control I needed over my environment to
accomplish my job. It is not CFs fault, it was just not equipped with the
appropriate tools built-in, that is all.

I did not curse CF. By then I understood very well what CF could and could
not do. I did not expect it to do more than it should. For as long as I can
remember there have been behaviors and functionalities in CF that did not do
everything the way I needed for a particular task. Trying to *GET* CF to
emulate the behavior or functionality would take more time and be less
appropriate than just using the right language. (Usually C since there were
not a ton of options in the 2.0 days).

I have been doing CF since the 2.0 days and there are *STILL* things in CF
that you simply need to have more control over. CF might do 99% of your job
and it is the natural pick for a moderately complex web app or as a
presentation layer for practically any web app. There might be this one
piece of functionality that is not working right, and with the proper skill
set and toolset you can make it work right in less time than you can use the
wrong tool (CF) to finish up that one last bit of functionality.

This is all Matt has been saying, there are times when you *NEED* the
control. Saying that anything can be done given the time and money seems a
little asinine to me. How much time? What about deadlines? Give me a
unlimited resources and 2 or 3 years and I can assemble a team to build
almost any web app too. The point is most of us don't have unlimited time,
or money, so we all want to be as efficient is possible. The right tools in
the right situation make that possible. When CF *IS* the only tool


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