Very well said... use appropriate tool for the situation... you can develop
a web application in C++/Java....they are great tools but aimed to broad
spectrum programming not RAD/Web... as in the case what the industry
CF was developed as web application tool and does a great job for most
things that are related to web application development. ASP was just an
extention of IIS to start with and has progressed to .NET/aspx.. good... but
not strictly targetted to Web RAD and not portable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Allen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 9:31 AM
Subject: RE: CF vs. ASP

> I know the whole CF and why people are using it issue has been hashed out
> quite a bit but I would like to add my two cents coming from a different
> background than most web developers.
> I started my programmer career with C. In C you have absolute control over
> everything going on in your program. You have a veritable dictatorship
> what your program is doing. Yes the code takes longer to write and it is
> more prone to errors due to some of that very control you have. Most
> programmers have a hard time with some of the concepts in C (Pointers,
> Memory Allocation).
> Next I found C++ and ColdFusion practically at the same time. From day one
> knew ColdFusion was a good tool. After working for about a year building
> applications I knew ColdFusion was a *great* tool for building most web
> applications. This is in the 2.0 days, so keep that in mind. I already
> wanted to do things CF simply could not do, or did not do the way a
> needed them to. When I had to I fell back on my C programming skills to
> create a CFX tag to give me the control I needed over my environment to
> accomplish my job. It is not CFs fault, it was just not equipped with the
> appropriate tools built-in, that is all.
> I did not curse CF. By then I understood very well what CF could and could
> not do. I did not expect it to do more than it should. For as long as I
> remember there have been behaviors and functionalities in CF that did not
> everything the way I needed for a particular task. Trying to *GET* CF to
> emulate the behavior or functionality would take more time and be less
> appropriate than just using the right language. (Usually C since there
> not a ton of options in the 2.0 days).
> I have been doing CF since the 2.0 days and there are *STILL* things in CF
> that you simply need to have more control over. CF might do 99% of your
> and it is the natural pick for a moderately complex web app or as a
> presentation layer for practically any web app. There might be this one
> piece of functionality that is not working right, and with the proper
> set and toolset you can make it work right in less time than you can use
> wrong tool (CF) to finish up that one last bit of functionality.
> This is all Matt has been saying, there are times when you *NEED* the
> control. Saying that anything can be done given the time and money seems a
> little asinine to me. How much time? What about deadlines? Give me a
> unlimited resources and 2 or 3 years and I can assemble a team to build
> almost any web app too. The point is most of us don't have unlimited time,
> or money, so we all want to be as efficient is possible. The right tools
> the right situation make that possible. When CF *IS* the only tool
> considered....
> Jeremy
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