Try using an invisible gif with the height set to 100% or set to a specific 

At 11:58 AM 19/09/02 -0600, you wrote:
>I've an issue with a project I'm working on, when it comes to Macs,
>specifically with Netscape 6. IE seems to do fine here. It *is* a CF based
>project, so there, nyah. :)
>I've got a table, with several vertical cells (i.e. all on one row). Within
>each cell, I create a new table, and based on the content for that cell, I
>build up one or more rows of stuff, close out the table. Each of those
>tables has a seperate b/g color (using CSS).  All well and good.
>The issue here is, with Mac NS 6, the tables-inside-the-cells will *not*
>stretch to the full height of the enclosed cell, even with "height=100%" on
>them, when they are not the largest cell (which drives the overall height).
>What I get resembles an upside-down bar graph. In IE, the enclosed tables
>stretch to the full allowed height.
>(growls under breath)
>Any insight on this would be MOST appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
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