I agree.

Here is a simple example for anyone to play with.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:mkruger@;cfwebtools.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:54 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting (was RE: SOT: Sad Day)

Ditto - we've done 2 aps with rave reviews and we are working on 2 more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stacy Young [mailto:Stacy.Young@;sfcommerce.com]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting (was RE: SOT: Sad Day)

Remoting rocks.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tilbrook, Peter [mailto:Peter.Tilbrook@;abcb.gov.au]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 11:00 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Flash Remoting (was RE: SOT: Sad Day)

Memories of claims about Spectra's capabilities come to mind.

>Flash Remoting certainly is a timely idea that could enable some very 
>impressive applications. However, the marriage of Flash and CF is far 
>from perfect. People talk of the possibilities and show examples that 
>wow developers, but the truth is that organizations who are trying to 
>build complex applications that make use of Flash Remoting are finding 
>serious problems.
>We have been working with Flash Remoting since the beginning and have 
>found it to be a constant struggle. Complex objects are corrupted and 
>line endings are changed as data is marshaled. Flash Remoting itself is

>different in functionality and behavior from CFMX to J2EE to .NET. The 
>documentation is spares to non-existent, while at the same time 
>misleading on occasion. Worst of all, Macromedia has only acknowledged 
>out findings and has offered no solutions.
>Flash Remoting is a great idea, but it simply isn't all there. Like any

>1.0 product, buyer beware. I look forward to the day when the issues 
>are fixed.
>Matt Liotta
>President & CEO
>Montara Software, Inc.
>888-408-0900 x901
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: David Hannum (Ohio University) [mailto:hannum@;ohio.edu]
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 7:29 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: SOT: Sad Day
> >
> > > I'll back you up. MM has a long history of abandoning products.
> > > seems to act like CF is invincible, yet it was sold by Allaire a
> > > over a year ago.
> >     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > > Do you think MM will keep CF around if it starts to tank? Phat
> > > If the software doesn't sail, these captains jump before the women
> > > children. I know I'm not the only one who learned Generator. :)
> > >
> >
> > MM bought Allaire, not because there was anything wrong with it, but

> > because there was so much right with it.  When you can do as much 
> > and more
> > CFMX
> > and Flash MX than you could with Generator, with much less cost and
> > less
> > server overhead, why shouldn't you abandon Generator?  The cfm/fla 
> > marriage is perfect.  Cost to performance and capability, it's 
> > positioned to be
> > greatest thing since soft butter!  If you've read the postings of
> > who
> > attended DevCon, you'll notice an extreme optimism among CF'ers.  MM
> > taking CF & Flash to the lead in a new wave of internet 
> > applications.
> > the neat part is, MM is making it possible for PHP, ASP and Java to
> > too!  I was very skeptical when MM purchased Allaire.  But they keep

> > showing me a stronger and stronger commitment.  I have no trouble 
> > staying with
> > They've shown that they are making CF one of their flagship 
> > products.
> >
> > As for dropping a product when it's outlived its useful life, that's
> > good business.  That does not make a company bad.  Generator's life
> > come
> > to an end when it became apparent that client side power was 
> > practicle with the advances in Flash.  CF is a much better server 
> > side solution to
> > that.  Dropping Generator was not a bad idea on MM's part.  It was a
> > good idea.  Good business.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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