I currently develop in MYSQL, MSSQL, and ORACLE.

My choice by far is MYSQL because 90% of my work involves data from other
systems that gets imported and I display on WebPages - or generate reports.
In using MYSQL for 2 years on several projects I have had no issues at all.

My Second Choice would be MSSQL (even though it doesn't run on LINUX :( ) in
7 years I have had one major issue and that was because I corrupted the RAID
:) oops!

I WOULD NEVER recommend ORACLE.  It is was too overpriced if you need the
features go with MSSQL.
It runs horribly with CF.  TOAD is a nightmare and things just don't seem to
work.  Although 9i supporting ANSI SQL has made it a little less hated in my

Just my opinion.

Jeff Roberson

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Robertson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 1:48 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: WOT: MySQL in the Enterprise

Jon wrote:
> for 99% of what I do, mysql handles my needs perfectly. 
> 'Course, I'm doing mostly insert, delete, update, select... 
> nothing too complicated. I'll be very happy when the next 
>version comes out that can do subqueries, though.

My sentiments exactly.  I can't wait for subqueries.  And despite the
to-do list on their site that's been pointed out with regard to low
priority for stored procedures, that's out of date.  They acknowledge
somewhere in that cavernous site that stored procs are the #1 most
requested feature and are slated for v4.1.  I personally don't use 'em
as most of what I write needs to work on anything, so no stored procs =
no big deal.

 Matt Robertson       [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 MSB Designs, Inc.  http://mysecretbase.com

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