
This might be outside the scope in terms of cost (but I don't yet know
what it does costs) but it might be worth a look. The company is called
HarvestRoad and their product is called WebPOWER which consists of three
modules; Publisher, DPMS and Wizard. I am looking at it for just the
type of situation you describe.

Brett Payne-Rhodes

Seth Petry-Johnson wrote:
> List,
> A growing number of my company's clients are pushing for the ability to
> maintain the content (i.e. text, basic HTML, images, etc) on their sites.
> This really isn't that big a deal in and of itself, but these sites are
> growing more and more complex, and there is no longer a simple separation of
> "content" (i.e. the text or simple HTML itself) from its "presentation" (in
> this case, the CF logic that runs to personalize navigation systems, page
> headers, etc).
> Up to this point we have been simply granting clients FTP access to their
> directory on the server and telling them not to change anything that begins
> with "<CF".  This is a TERRIBLE thing, and I've been fighting to move away
> from this ever since I started.
> Anyways, I was wondering how some of the other players out there deal with
> this sort of request from a client.  One the one hand I don't want ANYONE
> but someone from my company touching the CF code, but I can understand a
> client's desire to have control over their site.  I wouldn't want to pay
> $50-$75 per hour for simple HTML changes either.
> In particular, I'm looking to evaluate possible solutions against the
> following metrics:
> 1) Security: giving a client FTP access to a shared CF server is obviously a
> bad idea because one client could, either on purpose or by accident,
> adversely affect other hosted sites by crashing the CF service, uploading
> templates that use CFFILE, etc. As a general rule we don't let clients
> upload CF files to the server, but this is not enforced by anything other
> than a verbal contract with the client.  Whatever solution I find has to, in
> some way or another, adequately shield one client from the actions of
> another, which means unrestricted direct file access is a no-no <g>.
> 2) Protection of intellectual property: we have a series of pre-written
> "modules" (calendar, classified ads, etc) that we sell to our clients.
> Since these are sold as pre-written applications, the client does not gain
> any ownership of the code.  FTP access to the site again poses a problem
> because it makes these templates directly available to the client.  A savvy
> HTML/CF author working for the client might steal this code and re-sell it.
> 3) Cost: I'm looking for a relatively inexpensive solution right now (i.e.
> please don't recommend Spectra <g>). Neither us nor our clients are
> particuarly interested in paying huge sums of money for a feature-packed
> solution at this time.
> I don't necessarily need ALL aspects of each page available to the client to
> change.  Certain parts of the site, such as CF-enabled navigation systems,
> can remain under my company's control.  With all of these things in mind,
> does anyone out there have any pointers for me?  Either links to prewritten
> applications or ideas on "rolling my own" system are welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> Seth Petry-Johnson
> Argo Enterprise and Associates
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