Did you modify your WS and forget to refresh it in the CFMX Admin?

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc

WWW      : www.camdenfamily.com/morpheus
Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:15 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Web Service Arguments changing position
> I have a call from a CFMX page to a CFMX webservice. When I 
> output the 
> arguments at the web service end, the variables value seem to have 
> populated the wrong arguments. Why would this happen? For 
> testing purposes, 
> I am returning the argument structure from the web service. 
> When I dump 
> this struct,  the values of the arguments are all mixed up. 
> For example the 
> arguments.lfpassword value is the value from the RID argument.
> Here is my code:
> Calling the web service:
> <cfinvoke webservice="lfdistributedEmailPostProcessing"
>          method="UnsubScribeRequest"
>          rid="#replace(RID,".0","")#"
>          lfid="#LFid#"
>          fid="#FID#"
>          cid="#CID#"
>          email="#EMAIL#"
>          previewmode="#previewmode#"
>          lfpassword="lfWebServicePass782$lot$2"
>          returnvariable="lfemailReturn" />
>               <cfdump var="#lfemailReturn#">
> The web service method's argument collection looks like this:
> <cffunction name="UnsubScribeRequest" output="no" access="remote" 
> returntype="struct" hint="Unsubscribes a user from a mailing 
> list"> <cfargument name="rid" type="string" required="true" 
> hint="Record ID"> <cfargument name="lfid" type="string" 
> required="true" hint="UUID identifing 
> the user">
> <cfargument name="fid" type="string" required="true" 
> hint="Form ID"> <cfargument name="cid" type="string" 
> required="true" hint="Campagn ID"> <cfargument name="email" 
> type="string" required="true" hint="The users email"> 
> <cfargument name="previewmode" type="string" required="true"> 
> <cfargument name="lfPassword" type="string" required="true" 
> default=""  hint="lfPassword to access this private webservice">
> <cfreturn arguments>
> </cffunction>
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