That was it.
Thanks to all that responded.


----- Original Message -----
From: Kwang Suh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 19:24:36 -0400
Subject: Re: WDDX error

Do this:

<input type="hidden" value="#htmlEditFormat(wddxQuery1)#" name="wddxQuery1">

>This is the problem:
>In form1.cfm
><cfquery ...>
>   seelct  * form ...
><cfwddx action = "" input = "#query1#" output = "wddxQuery1">
><input type="hidden" value="#wddxQuery1#" name="wddxQuery1">
>On the submit form:
><cfwddx action = "" input = "#form.wddxQuery1#" output = "wddxQuery1">
>bombs if the original query some fileds with special characters in
>them. In my case &
>The query is based on some previous data, entered by the users and I
>have no control over it. It happnes only very rarely but still when it
>happens the user cannot continue and they get frustrated
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Adrian Lynch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 22:37:21 +0100
>Subject: RE: WDDX error
>Expanding on that, how about looping through the FORM scope before
>serializing it.
><cfloop collection="#FORM#" item="i">
><cfset FORM[i] = XMLFormat(FORM[i])>
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Adam Haskell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 27 August 2004 18:57
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: WDDX error
>Ok if you XMlformat the entide WDDX string itd going to escape all the
><> in the WDDX . You could try something like this:
>wddxstuff = xmlformat(wddxstuff);
>wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'<','<','all');
>wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'>','>','all');
>wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'&&','&','all');

>Problem is if you have something like <description> 5>6</description>
>the > is still not getting escaped and it will still blow up.
>Adam H
>On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 13:38:35 -0400, Richard Strong
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