Ok if you XMlformat the entide WDDX string itd going to escape all the
<> in the WDDX . You could try something like this:

wddxstuff = xmlformat(wddxstuff);
wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'&lt;','<','all');
wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'&gt;','>','all');
wddxstuff =replace(wddxstuff ,'&amp;&amp;','&amp;','all');

Problem is if you have something like <description> 5>6</description>
the > is still not getting escaped and it will still blow up.

Adam H

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004 13:38:35 -0400, Richard Strong
> Hi,
> We have a form that saves a query in  a wddx packet. On the submit, if
> there are any invalid characters (like &) in the wddx packet it dies:
> WDDX packet parse error at line 1, column -1. Illegal character or
> entity reference syntax..
> Any idea how to fix it?
> Thanks
> Richard
> PS I have tried also to use xmlFormat, but then complains about missing root
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