On Tuesday, Feb 11, 2003, at 10:19 America/Chicago, Brad Howerter wrote:

> The "java.net.SocketException: connect" makes me think my proxy must  
> somehow
> be denying access.  Does anyone know what we need to turn on or change?

I likewise sometimes received that error, but now (with the help of  
this list) am consuming it correctly. I don't offhand remember what I  
did to generate that error. What exactly is your code? Here's what I  
have that is working:

<cfset zip = "22222">

  webservice = "http://www.ejse.com/WeatherService/Service.asmx?WSDL";
  method = "getExtendedWeatherInfo"
  returnvariable = "WeatherInfo">
        <cfinvokeargument name = "zipCode" value = "#zip#"/>

#WeatherInfo.getDay1().date#:&nbsp;&nbsp;</strong>High of  
<br />
<br />

I'm particularly fond of the spelling of temperature ;o)

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