Christian Cantrell wrote:
> I won't speak for other Macromedia employees, but for the record, do 
> not mistake any of my posts for damage control.  Macromedia took a big 
> step forward with our new website, and although we certainly have 
> plenty of tweaks to make, we are fully confident in our decisions.  

I think the overall concept is pretty successful. Even if people have 
all the Flash turned of because it is just too slow, it is still a huge 
improvement. I think many of the goals that are explained in the topic center [1] will actually be met with this website 
(everybody read that, right?). And as for the 100+ messages about the 
new site, well, don't forget that all the people on this list are people 
that work with websites every day and are more trained to identify 
problems as most other users.

Apart from that, we all have our quirks. Some people love Opera, and 
will bitch when a site does not support it. Some of us believe Flash is 
an instrument of the devil, and will be complain about that. Some of us 
are bandwidth challenged/impaired/handicapped/crippled, and will 
complain about the frivolous use of uppercase letters, as we all know 
that they take more bytes as lowercase letters.
Some of us care passionately about standards compliance, and are 
extremely disappointed that Macromedia does not eat its own dog food.

But let me add my wishlist for the overall site, in no particular order 
(I will someday fill out the feedback forms for individual pages I have 
an issue with, see below):
- speed of Flash website
- XHTML+CSS+DOM standards compliance [2]
- integration of logins between livedocs, webforums and main site
- integration of livedocs in main site layout
- XML resource feeds
- configurable sidebar panes for browsers to access the XML resource feeds
- speed of Flash website
- if pages require Flash/ignore my preference not to use Flash, announce 
that on the link to that page
- I don't want to fil out my first name, last name, emailaddress, 
country, etc. etc. etc. just to be able to report a broken link. I want 
a button on every page with as the anchor: 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:%20
- if I want to use a form and it has required fields that happen to be 
in my profile and I am logged in, I expect those fields to be filled out 
for me (yes, I am lazy)
- if I disable Flash on purpose, I don't need to be reminded of that on 
every page
- speed of Flash website
- forward/back does not work reliably

Did I mention the speed of the Flash site? A bit weird if it takes 10 
seconds on 100 Mbps to download 50 kB.

> Evolution is not always easy, but somebody has to do it.

I am not sure I want to compare the new site with a step in evolution. 
The individual mutations on which evolution depends have an extremely 
high probability of failure. I think the chance that the new site is 
succesful is higher.


[2] Or an article on the topic center explaining why this 
is not possible and which bugs browser vendors have to fix to make this 
possible. I want someone to blame ;-) and currently I only have Macromedia.

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