Wow.  Talk about culture shock.   There has been quite a bit said today
about the new (beta) version of the layout.  I have checked out the site
and it was well done.  Personally I was impressed with some of the
backend action going on.  Pretty tight indeed.  Try out the "Your
account section".  I assume they are using remoting on steroids.    I am
intrigued as hell at the entire gig and the richness of the environment.
This is showing a great many possibilities, for all of us.
Related to "the site seems slow (etc.)", this is a beta.  Code gets
tweaked, enhanced etc.   All those people on the various soap boxes..
Have you not had to go back and tweak your own code, in order to make it
faster and more responsive?  Have you yourselves possibly had to work
out some unintended glitches and gotcha's?  Sometime I like to go back
and study my code (and UI) and see how I could do it better.  Tony Weeg,
who is our lead developer many times will say "hey what about this." and
in the end show me different (often better ways of doing something)  in
the end making me a better programmer.  MM staff members are developers
to.  Instead of having such a strong knee jerk reaction, perhaps we
should help them beta test this thing and offer "CONSTRUCTIVE
DIRECTION".   Even experts can learn new methods.  They seem to put
themselves out there, listen and where possible, integrate information
from our massively strong. 
In closing I will leave you with this:
1.  People have a tough time with change (if for not other reason than
they might have to fix their favorites).  BTW in psychology this is
called a "paradigm shift"  (e.g. learning to see things in a new way).
2.  Macromedia put their money where their mouth is.   Here's a realty
check for you.  How many times have you  been to  one of the elite
prophets of flash (including the book writers) and there is no flash on
their site?  (gawd.. Now that is a true contradiction.  Highly encourage
something and then not use it or demonstrate it yourself  (in terms of
practical application use).  What does that tell our client when we are
out there promoting RIA?
3.  CFMX and FlashMX (combined with remoting)   can carry this process
to the next level.  I encourage myself and you to be there  (and I am
sure you will).
Peace, Love and Soul Train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good coding, my friends.
-//-  Jaye Morris - Multimedia Developer

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