Personally - I handle footers in .cfm includes.. I find it much easier - 
and simply it includes it at the end of the code. So on shorter and 
longer pages it simply displays at end.

If you needed to actually "attach" a footer to the bottom of the browser 
- something like
<div id="FooterAbs" style="position: absolute; bottom: 0px; z-index: 300;">
would work.

I added z-index more for demonstration - The issue is - that you can 
overalp content. Unlike using an include - that will put it at the 
bottom no matter what - you will need to scroll to get content beyone 
viewable screen -but footer will hang on to the bottom edge.

Use it carefully because there are almost always some trouble spots.
IF your footer can overlap content - not a biggie. In one case I used it 
- I assigned z-index of -100 ( which also has it's own bugs on browser 
versions) so on shorter page content the footer didn't interrupt.

hope that helps
jay miller

Barney Boisvert wrote:
> Totally unrelated, but on the same topic.  How might I go about putting a
> footer bar at the bottom of my page using CSS, rather than a table.  I've
> had no problems with topbars, sidebars (either side) and the main content
> pane(s), but I can't get stuff to sit at the bottom of the page correctly.
> I tried 'bottom' (complementing top) but it seems to be tied to the
> browser's size, not the page's size, which doesn't work if the page scrolls,
> at least on IE6.
> Use JS to set it dynamically?
> = Math.max(,
> +;
> that seems like a horrible way to do it to me.
> barneyb
> ---
> Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
> AudienceCentral (formerly PIER System, Inc.)
> voice : 360.671.8708 x12
> fax   : 360.647.5351
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: charlie griefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 10:18 AM
>>To: CF-Talk
>>Subject: Re: OT: css, dhtml question
>>may want to give the <div class="sidebar"> a width...
>>it might defined in the 'sidebar' class in the .css...i was too
>>lazy to look
>>Mark A. Kruger - CFG writes:
>>>Can someone give me the quick and dirty answer on why this page doesn't
>>>render correctly in IE?
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