>This makes sense. When I do the test
>http://www1.yoursite.com/flashservices/gateway I get a blank page (which
>is correct) and when I try
>http://www1.yoursite.com/jhg/misc/flashservices/gateway I get a 404
>error (which means you don't have access). The notes say to:

That's not how the gateway works - it remains in the same location at all
times. For example, let's say you have a server hosting 2 sites: foo.com &
bar.com. Once properly configured, the gateway will be available at
http://www.foo.com/flashservices/gateway &

Now let's say you're trying to invoke a cfc below the webroot of foo.com
(ie. http://www.foo.com/cfc/test.cfc). You're actionscript would look like:

conn = NetServices.createGatewayConnection();
testService = conn.getService("cfc.test", this);

>When I run "Remove_All_connectors.bat" it initializes in a cmd prompt
>and says "This will remove all CFMX Webserver Connectors. Press any key
>to continue. When I hit any key it says: "The system cannot find the
>path specified. Press any key to continue". I hit another key and the
>command line window closes. I don't think it completed it's mission, but
>if I then try IIS_connector.bat it does a bunch of stuff and then says
>"This Webserver is already configured for JRUN".

This is a strange one. Are you running Updater 3? What web server? How many
sites are configured on it? (sorry if you posted this stuff already...)


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