I've coding CF for a few years, and I'm digging into using CFC's as
objects rather than just invoking them. I've got a couple of questions
if anyone can help:
1.      One of the things I'd like to do is populate a user's session
with a user object that persists. Now my concern here is that this
object is being created for each authenticated user. I'm assuming that
all methods effectively get copied ot every user as well (again I'm
assuming). This sounds expensive. If I get to 200, 300, etc. concurrent
logged-in users, is this an inefficient way to do things?
2.      Another sort of related quesiton is the idea of an object having
other objects (i.e. composition). Here's my concern here. Let's say I've
got a user object that has one to many bookmarks associated with it. If
a user has say 15 bookmarks, this also seems inefficient. Hal Helms
explained composition nicely with a simple Person-Address composition
relationship (i.e. a person has an address). This makes sense and isn't
worrisome b/c it is more or less a one-to-one relationship (or close to
it). But if an object is composed of potentially many objects - is this
still the best way to go? The alternative obviously is to just pull back
the bookmarks as part & parcel of the person object's get method and
just make it a native property of person (structure/query/whatever).
Any insight here would be greatly appreciated.

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