Umm, not sure really. Lemme throw out an extreme example. Let's say a
"user" (to further the illustration below) has 230 "bookmarks." Let's
also assume that there are all sorts of properties associated with a
bookmark (e.g. description, date added, title, url, etc.) but all I need
to display are the url's on the user page. It just seems that to use a
getter for each of the 230 bookmarks for 1 or 2 fields is overkill. 

An alternative I suppose is to just have a person.bookmarks property
that carries an array (or query) with the information that is populated
from the bookmark object? 

I guess all I'm asking is - as far as OO approaches is concerned - how
should one handle a scenario where an object's composition includes many
instances of the same object?

Thanks for the response on the first. My 200 users are looking MEASLY.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 7:06 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Objects Everywhere!

On Saturday, Aug 9, 2003, at 15:33 US/Pacific, Rich Z wrote:
> 1.    One of the things I'd like to do is populate a user's session
> with a user object that persists. Now my concern here is that this
> object is being created for each authenticated user. I'm assuming that
> all methods effectively get copied ot every user as well (again I'm
> assuming). This sounds expensive. If I get to 200, 300, etc.
> logged-in users, is this an inefficient way to do things? uses session scope instances of CFCs and supports 
15,000-20,000 concurrent sessions during peak traffic - I wouldn't 
worry about a few hundred users!

> 2.    Another sort of related quesiton is the idea of an object having
> other objects (i.e. composition). Here's my concern here. Let's say 
> I've
> got a user object that has one to many bookmarks associated with it.
> a user has say 15 bookmarks, this also seems inefficient.

Why do you think it's inefficient?

Sean A Corfield --

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood


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