Matt, good points.  I just got back from the 2003 Fusebox conference in Las
Vegas.  Charlie Areheart (whom I have infinite respect for) was presenting
for Blue Dragon and emphasized their goals to bring Blue Dragon into
offering the same facilities/tags as CFMX.  I hope this really turns out to
be a good thing for CF.

Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
Webapper Services LLC
Web Site

Webapper <Web Application Specialists>

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 10:37 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

That is certainly a valid criticism. Although, New Atlanta has stated
many times that they aren't trying to compete with Macromedia for
customers, but go after customers that Macromedia is about to lose
because of platform standardization. In that regard, they don't need to
support CFMX tags since their customers only want pre-CFMX CFML
applications to work. Obviously, if they want to target CFML developers
at large then they are going to need to be compatible with CFMX.


On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 01:10 AM, Mike Brunt wrote:

> One major consideration re Blue Dragon, they still do not support all
> CF
> Tags.  To be fair they are trying to get there but I am concerned that
> we
> could get a "Smalltalk" situation with CFML, a great language side
> lined by
> minor but relevant version-vendor differences.
> Kind Regards - Mike Brunt
> Webapper Services LLC
> Web Site
> Blog
> Webapper <Web Application Specialists>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Raymond Camden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 9:02 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
> I don't need to stand up for MACR, they can do it themselves, but I
> have
> to ask, what do you mean you can't afford CF? You can't afford the free
> developers edition? If your client can't afford CF, then, as you say,
> most likely they are 'small guys' - have you considered one of the many
> CF ISPs? I used Media3 for years and they were quite affordable.
> =======================================================================
> =
> ===
> Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
> (
> Member of Team Macromedia (
> Email    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Blog     :
> Yahoo IM : morpheus
> "My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Matt Blatchley [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 8:32 AM
>> To: CF-Talk
>> Subject: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?
>> Well, since I can't afford anything MM produces legally, I'm
>> going to have to get BlueDragon next time I get paid.  MM
>> just lost another sale, no big loss, but I'm sure the small
>> guys add up too.
>> -Matt


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