kinda like buying a kia:)

it tries to be the real thing but its not, will always be a step behind.
i dont even do serious programming but no thanks, i'll take the real deal.
you guys are making $100 + an hour, you can fit it in.
Its up too you to show the client where it saves them money so they dont
do as jim pointed out and waste the money somewhere else.

Matt, i bet u dont drive a kia do u?

>> If your clients are small enough where the cost of CF is prohibitive
>> it may be likely that the cost of managing an Intranet is also
>> prohibitive (although they may be doing it anyway and have never done
>> a cost analysis).
> I'll agree with that, but certainly the use of certain software e.g. CF
> could be what tips the scale. If that is the case, then a cheaper
> implementation of CFML (BlueDragon) can certainly help in that regard.
>> Many hosting companies are hosting their Intranet at "public" hosts
>> for this reason.  There are some hosts that do nothing but traditional
>> Intranet applications along with email (Exchange hosting, for example,
>> is pretty common due to the cost and complexity of managing an
>> Exchange server).
> That may be, but there are serious issues with outsourcing internal IT
> resources externally that many of these companies may not be aware of.
> One example of this is that their WAN connection becomes a single point
> of failure. Then of course there are legality issues related to giving
> non-employees access to sensitive data that aren't under specific
> consulting agreements, which is the case when your email is hosted by a
> 3rd party.
>> No, consider an Intranet with is planned to contain, let's say, six
>> distinct applications (not at all uncommon).  My case now is that each
>> of these applications only has to save two hours of development time
>> due
>> to CF for it to be just as cost effective as a "free" solution.
> Of course, the case with BlueDragon would only need to save one hour
> per application.
> Matt Liotta
> President & CEO
> Montara Software, Inc.
> (888) 408-0900 x901

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