Ah.  Thanks for the info.  'Preciate it.


> Nope, not with the native File class.  And be careful using the modified
> date, as it returns anumber of milliseconds since the epoch UTC, so you
> need
> to do some conversions.  Check out the UDF i included in my last message.
> it encapsulates all the nastiness into something ready to use by CF.
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Patricia G. L. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 7:30 AM
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Subject: RE: cfdirectory = slow
>   Is there a similar way to find out the date the file was created?
>   -Patti
>   > why not use java ?
>   >
>   > <CFOUTPUT>
>   >     #CreateObject("java",
>   > "java.io.File").init(FileNameAndPathHere).lastModified()#
>   > </CFOUTPUT>
>   >
>   > HTH
>   >
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