what about `ls -l myfilename.ext` so you only get that one file?  It should
be really fast.  `ls -l | grep myfilename.ext`, on the other hand, should be
about the same speed as CFMX, though give the same result.  If you've got
the time (I don't, or I would), perhaps a quick little java snippet using a
FileFilter (you have to write the implementation) to do a basic RE search is
in order.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Steven Erat [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 3:41 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: RE: cfdirectory = slow

  One further note, the time required for the 'ls' command is only slightly
faster than CFMX.  The command 'ls' required 76 seconds whereas CFMX
required about 84 seconds.
  (If you run this test yourself, be sure to logout then log back in to
avoid any filename caching.)  All CF5/CFMX/ls tests were run on RH 7.2.
  sh-2.04$ pwd
  sh-2.04$ time ls -l > /dev/null

  real    1m16.403s
  user    0m1.060s
  sys     1m13.330s

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