>  Sign me up for that beta, there is no way I'm going to be able to go
> to a
>  conference in another country ( :-( )...
The public beta will begin after CFUN-04, but we will certainly keep
you informed. We have had significant response to our initial
announcement and as such we are creating an announcement mailing list.
If you or anyone else would like to be on that list, please send an

>  Would the final product be free (beer, speech) ? If not, do you have
> a price
>  point in mind ?
The beta version(s) of the product will be freely available as in beer,
but not speech. We do plan to sell a version of He3 in the future.
However, we are not currently disclosing what editions of He3 will be
or how much they will cost. It is certainly possible that one
particular edition of He3 will be available for free even after the
beta ends. Ultimately, He3 will be reasonably priced.

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