> Sorry if this has been asked already, but what is the differences
> between He3 and cfeclipse going to be?

The point of cfeclipse is to create a ColdFusion IDE that is developer
focused, and to give coders and alternative to Macromedia's offering
which I feel falls far short of good (from a coders point of view) - I
am leaving off jedit, bbedit, etc because I think they fall a bit short
on some CF specific things while they do excel as editors.

If He3 gives developers another alternative I think that's good - choice
is good. Technology and innovation tend to stop when there is only one
supplier of a particular type of product or tool. Companies get fat and
lazy (kind of like me :-D)

To clear the air real quick:

On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 06:55, Matt Liotta wrote:
> ... However, we did already announce
> support Fusebox 4 and Mach-II

cfeclipse has "announced" that too, and Chris Queener has been working
on it for a while

>  as well as _expression_ builders that
> cfeclipse doesn't have.

not sure what that means but if its a regex builder we've been talking
about that too

> There will be plenty more features in He3 that
> we don't expect cfeclipse will get especially in regards to CFCs and
> debugger.

Oliver is far along the path of having the cfeclipse debugger going - it
already finds some simple cf errors and we expect this to grow in time.
It also can (partly) understand cfcs and functions and we are, currently
in fact, taking about the best place to store this information for code

> I don't want to take away from the work being done by the cfeclipse
> project.

Don't worry, you can't.

> However, any ColdFusion IDE that expects to compete with what
> was ColdFusion Studio has to have a significant amount of breadth and
> depth. Today the cfeclipse project doesn't provide that, but that is
> perfectly okay for that project. He3 on the other hand --as a
> commercial product-- must.

In closing, more products are better than less. cfeclipse will always be
free and open source - this new thing may or may not - but it is still
good to have choices. At the least, Macromedia may start to loose
business in in the cfide market and create a more advanced product.

We are free as in beer (Guinness if you please).

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