Well there are some obvious differences that would exist between any
commercial offering and an open source project. I won't summarize those
since I think we all understand them. The main difference will be in
functionality, which is hard to enumerate right now since we haven't
disclosed all the features of He3. However, we did already announce
support Fusebox 4 and Mach-II as well as _expression_ builders that
cfeclipse doesn't have. There will be plenty more features in He3 that
we don't expect cfeclipse will get especially in regards to CFCs and
debugger. We will be making more announcements about additional
functionality as time goes on.

I don't want to take away from the work being done by the cfeclipse
project. However, any ColdFusion IDE that expects to compete with what
was ColdFusion Studio has to have a significant amount of breadth and
depth. Today the cfeclipse project doesn't provide that, but that is
perfectly okay for that project. He3 on the other hand --as a
commercial product-- must.

Matt Liotta
R337 Consulting LLC

On May 6, 2004, at 9:39 AM, Bryan F. Hogan wrote:

> Sorry if this has been asked already, but what is the differences
>  between He3 and cfeclipse going to be?
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