Well when you get the feature list posted somewhere I will look at it
then. That's all I wanted was the features. Not all the other fluff.

Matt Liotta wrote:

> Well there are some obvious differences that would exist between any
> commercial offering and an open source project. I won't summarize those
> since I think we all understand them. The main difference will be in
> functionality, which is hard to enumerate right now since we haven't
> disclosed all the features of He3. However, we did already announce
> support Fusebox 4 and Mach-II as well as _expression_ builders that
> cfeclipse doesn't have. There will be plenty more features in He3 that
> we don't expect cfeclipse will get especially in regards to CFCs and
> debugger. We will be making more announcements about additional
> functionality as time goes on.
> I don't want to take away from the work being done by the cfeclipse
> project. However, any ColdFusion IDE that expects to compete with what
> was ColdFusion Studio has to have a significant amount of breadth and
> depth. Today the cfeclipse project doesn't provide that, but that is
> perfectly okay for that project. He3 on the other hand --as a
> commercial product-- must.
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