Eclipse already has built-in support for that. Additionally, Eclipse
has built-in support for retaining differences in files across saves.
You could even several weeks later compare the differences between the
current file and saved version from some time ago. This is in addition
to any capabilities your source code control system has.


On Jun 3, 2004, at 8:41 AM, Steve Nelson wrote:

> On another note, I'd love a feature that lets me undo after closing a
>  document, even if I closed the file 3 weeks ago. Basically just write
> the
>  undo commands to disk. I have plenty of disk space, so I honestly
> don't care
>  how much space this would take up.
>  Steve Nelson
>    _____  
>  From: Steve Nelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 7:42 AM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: RE: He3 community input (custom tag paths/mappings)
>  That's not really what I'm thinking. My thought is to point the IDE
> to a
>  single url (per development server) that returns stuff like this (in
> some
>  xml format):
>  Mappings:
>  "/" = d:\inetpub\wwwroot
>  "/funkychicken" = d:\inetpub\wwwroot\iama\funkychicken
>  Tags:
>  <cf_chickendance> =
> d:\inetpub\wwwroot\iama\funkychicken\chickendance.cfm
>  This information could easily be determined by CF and would work just
> as
>  fine on a IP as it would a public IP. If the information is
>  changed in the cf server, it would automatically reflect here. It
> could
>  check the server once when the IDE is loading up then cache it like
> you're
>  saying.  This clearly doesn't solve everything, but it could be a
> start. If
>  you can make this setup automated, that would be preferable.
>  What it doesn't solve are things like dynamic includes, such as:
> <cfinclude
>  template="#funkychicken#"> To do that you either need to actually run
> the
>  template or create a CFML engine.
>  Steve
>    _____  
>  From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 10:09 PM
>  To: CF-Talk
>  Subject: Re: He3 community input (custom tag paths/mappings)
>  > How about a server component that would somehow translate the
> location
>  > of
>  >  mappings/tags? I think that would allow you to setup a server once
>  > instead
>  >  of each individual project.
>  >
>  That would require that each project know what server to connect to
>  since a developer may want to have different projects deploy to
>  different servers. Further, it would require that the IDE be able to
>  connect to the server during development, which would be annoying on a
>  plane for example. Although, that could probably be solved with some
>  sort of caching/synchronization routine.
>  I certainly can see that it would be annoying to setup project after
>  project with the same settings. However, I am not sure what you are
>  suggesting is any better because of what I mentioned above.
>  -Matt
>    _____
>    _____
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