> Ahh yeah forgot about python... JUMP? googling...

It's a .NET migration tool included with Visual Studio .NET 2003, if I
recall correctly.

> Is python and Jython the same syntax, etc? could you write
> one file and have it run the same in both environments? -
> kind of getting off topic (if there ever was one). Does it
> compile to "native" code (as much as C# and java are native
> anyway) or is it like BSF?

Honestly, I don't know enough about Jython to answer that. If I recall
correctly, Jython simply compiles Python to Java bytecode, but I don't know
if that's exactly correct, and I'm too lazy to check. My larger point was
simply that there are probably plenty of things out there that can run with
both platforms.

> (I still think its pretty cool that cfml runs in both settings)

I do too! However, in the long run, I suspect it's going to be a lot of work
for New Atlanta to keep two separate products going. After all, they really
are two separate products, and all of the internals are certainly different,
since one product uses the Java class libraries and the other uses the .NET

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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