> Can you point to a source for these numbers -- Intuitively, I think you
> are correct, but have not been able to find any reliable stats.
I don't believe any research as specific as this is available for free. I
get my research from Gartner and Meta Group, but it is rather costly.

> According to Apple latest results, their biggest growth in computers
> was in the laptop segment.
Not only that, Apple's share of the laptop market grew faster than the
overall market and any single competitor.

> Apple claims that the Mac has more 'Nix desktops than any other
> computer.
That is true.

> Anecdotally, I hear that a surprising number of Mac laptops turn up at
> various developer gatherings ('Nix, Java, CF, etc) where a few years
> ago there were few if any.
Just take a look at CFUN. CFUN-02 had very few Mac users there. CFUN-03 had
enough for people to take notice, while CFUN-04 had quite a number.
Anecdotally, that is encouraging to see such growth in the CF market. I
believe Macromedia has a signfictant amount of Macs and apparently Sun has
more Macs than any other company outside of Apple.

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