In my case I've got the following running on dedicated virtual servers:


CF 5

CF 4.5

SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 7

WebSphere 5

Smarter Stats

Now I COULD have put (most) of this on one or two boxes, but the level of
freedom offered her is immense.  When I get a client with CF 4.5 hitting SQL
Server 2000 I'm instantly ready to replicate their environment, for example.

Also setting up a new machine is as simple as copying the "base" OS image
file over and installing software.  In other words I didn't have install
Windows eight times to get this set up - I installed it once then before
installing anything else just copied it seven times.

As for performance there's really very little hit that I can see - although
the number of VPCs running at the same time can affect this dramatically.
However a decent dual-processor system can mitigate that tremendously.   RAM
is the other big issue - since each VPC needs a set chunk of RAM that will
determine how many instance you can run.

For most of my development servers (since they're only running one major
app) I set the ram to 128 meg.  For my CFMX (since it's the one I use the
most) I've given it 256 meg and the WebSphere box just isn't happy with less
than 512.  The OS itself protects around 300-400 meg of RAM (at least
Windows 2003 does) so the more RAM the better!

Jim Davis

From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2004 10:38 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: VMWare was Re: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...

On Jul 17, 2004, at 8:11 PM, Jim Davis wrote:

Apart from testing a new/old version during transition, what is the
purpose of running multiple servers?

I suspect that there is not much performance penalty as VirtualPC
doesn't need to emulate a CISC instruction set on a RISC box -- rather
just swap in/out native code.
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