On Sat, 17 Jul 2004 23:11:48 -0400, Jim Davis
> From what I could tell there's very little real difference in how well they
> work: they both (VMWare and VPC) do a damn, damn fine job.

I've used both quite a bit too, and the main differences I've found are:

- Virtual PC VM's run quite a bit faster than VMWare VM's (Athlon 1800, 1GB RAM)
- Virtual PC's networking seems to work much better - setting up a VM
as a computer on your network and getting internet access etc seems to
work almost automatically. VMWare installs a networking driver on the
host machine for this which I've found sometimes interferes with other
network settings, plus getting a VMWare VM to work on a local network
can be a major PITA.
-  Virtual PC VM's are very, very, VERY slow to install. VMWare
formats virtual hard drives so fast you hardly see the progress bar.
Virtual PC takes longer than a real hard drive to do the same thing,
and then Windows takes nearly twice as long to install as it would on
a "real" machine.
- I've had problems running out of virtual hard drive space on Virtual
PC, even though the drive was set to expand automatically. I never had
that problem with VMWare.

Given the price difference (and the fact that we got 10 Virtual PC
licences with our last Action Pack) we now use Virtual PC, but if you
disregarded that and weighed them on their individual merits, it's
hard to pick between them.

Kay Smoljak
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