> I think your service is not being handed the request. I would run the
connectors. It looks like an encrypted file being
> served by IIS (instead of being processed first by CF) - sort of like
seeing the source code on an unecrypted file.

Nah, see, pages *within* the server are working and are being handed off to
CF...Here's what I've got:

ON THE MACHINE - http://localhost/ - works
REMOTELY - http://development.domain.com/ - works
ON THE MACHINE - http://localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm -
REMOTELY  - http://development.domain.com/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm -


REMOTELY - http://development.domain.com/ClientSite1 - Works
REMOTELY - http://development.domain.com/ClientSite2 - Works


Also, how would one "run the connectors"?

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