> > I suggested that earlier - but he says that other .cfm files
> > on the same configured sites run correctly. wouldn't that
> > indicate that the connector was correctly installed?
> Probably, but not necessarily. I'm not sure what Jeff means when he says
> URL works fine locally, but not remotely - is it, in fact, being run by
> same IIS virtual server in both cases?

Yes. It's one machine. It's our development server. It's known "outside" the
building as "dev.mydomain.com". When I type in
http://dev.mydomain.com/testingsite1 or http://dev.mydomain.com/anothersite
they work. Datasources are obviously working, pages (.cfm) are loading,
parsing, and being displayed correctly. When I try to go to
http://dev.mydomain.com/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm, I get gibberish.

Same occurs if you sit ON the machine and type "localhost" instead of the

So...I've got CFM pages that work. I've got datasources that OBVIOUSLY are
there and working, however, when I go to my administrator on the machine, I
get nothing...

I've even gone back and tried to run the CFMX updater to reinstall that
hoping that something would be reinstalled that had gone wonky...

I ran WSCONFIG.exe, it says it's already configured for Jrun.

I'm at my wits end. I'm not a network admin type and I'm starting to get
frustrated that I don't have anymore information to go on or what to do
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