Wow, that was a great "array" of responses ...the code for inserting the
data that I have played with initially is below.  I'm really looking to
understand what the best way of inserting data from a structure into a
database... is this an illogical question to begin with?  

<cfset me = structNew()>
<cfset me.mytitle = "#form.title#">
<cfset me.mydate1 = "#form.date1#">
<cfset me.mypublication = "#form.publication#">
<cfset me.myissue = "#form.issue#">

  <cfloop from="1" to="#ListLen(item1)#" index="i">
    <td valign="top">#ListGetAt(item1, i)#&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign="top">#ListGetAt(item2, i)#&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
    <td valign="top">#ListGetAt(item3, i)#</td>

<cfquery datasource="library_56">
INSERT INTO test_structures (test1, test2, test3, structure)
Values ('#item1#', '#item2#', '#item3#', #me#)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dick Applebaum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 8:32 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: inserting structure data into a database


One of the basic rules of good relational db design is that each entity
(record, row, column) should be atomic -- represent only one thing,

You should not insert a structure into a db

Rather, insert each cassette as a separate row (record) in the db

If there is a relationship among the multiple cassettes that you
currently have in the structure, consider adding an identifier (group)
to each record in the db.



On Sep 10, 2004, at 5:23 AM, Tim Laureska wrote:

> Just learning structures, but here goes:
>  When I insert structure data into a database, it's inserted into each
>  field as a comma delimited list.  
>  In this scenario, I'm inserting audio cassette tape information into
> the
>  database from a form when multiple cassettes are entered at one time.
>  There are three attributes to for each cassette... title, issue date
> and
>  issue number, which are the fields in the database (along with an
> autoid
>  field).
>  So if three cassettes are entered and subsequently inserted into the
>  database, the data goes in as such:
>  Auto id    title field        issue number field     issue date
>  field
>     1       title1, title2, title3  issue1,issue2,issue3
>  date1,date2,date3
>  This seems to present a problem in that each cassette does not have a
>  unique autoid to identify it individually and that may present issues
>  further in the application...
>  My questions are:  1) is this analysis correct and 2)how can you
>  maintain a unique id for each cassette in this situation ... do you
> have
>  to assign a unique number for each cassette using some sort of CF
>  or is there a way to still utilize the DB's automatic unique id
>  assignment feature?  
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