Do you have the ability to cross reference these users Ray, too see what Firewall/AV software they may have in common? That could go a long way towards pinpointing the guilty party.
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Ray Champagne
  To: CF-Talk
  Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:31 AM
  Subject: Re: why can't they log in? post II

  Nope, they are blocked all the time (on their machine, of course).  And the
  DB is an access DB, so I am pretty certain it is not that.

  I really think it has something to do with Firewalls or, as someone
  suggested here yesterday, it might be a Norton thing, or a combo of
  both.  I just don't know what to have the users try to disable/enable, etc
  if it was something like that.

  Thanks for the suggestion, tho.

  At 10:21 AM 10/12/2004, you wrote:
  >The accounts aren't being locked for a period of time are they Ray? I know
  >you said you inherited the application, perhaps its locking accounts after
  >unsuccessful attempts somewhere, maybe at the DB level?
  >   ----- Original Message -----
  >   From: Ray Champagne
  >   To: CF-Talk
  >   Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2004 9:14 AM
  >   Subject: why can't they log in? post II
  >   I know that a lot of ppl were out for the holiday here in the US
  > yesterday,
  >   so I thought I might post this again.
  >   Ray
  >   I have inherited a rather simple application that has a section where
  >   listees of an online directory can add/edit/delete their account info once
  >   logging in to the system.
  >   I am having a very small percentage of the users telling me that they are
  >   having troubles logging in.  The system does not allow them to log in
  > using
  >   their user/pass combo.  Yet, when I look up their account info, I and just
  >   about everyone else can log in easily.  There is no complicated script,
  >   basically we are just using cfapplication and a database to check if they
  >   are registered, and if there is a match in the db, then we set their login
  >   status to 'logged in'.
  >   The weird thing about this is that most ppl (there are over 20,000
  > listees)
  >   can get in fine.  Just a handful are having problems.  I have verified
  > that
  >   they are using the right user/pass, they have cookies turned on,
  >   etc.  Anybody got any idea what the issue may be?  Can firewalls cause
  > this
  >   kind of behavior?
  >   Stumped,
  >   Ray
  >   =============================================
  >   Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
  >   CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services
  >   603.433.9559
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