I'm going to be blasted for this, but clustering is the last resort, not 
1. Do you have seperate boxes for DB and webserver? (no)
2. Are they maxed in ram? (probably)
3. Are they peaked? (?)
4. Is your network set up tight? (no as it's one server)
Just moving the SQL to a new box will extend the life/power of your setup. 
The box you have now looks good, but is taxed by non-web serving operations.

> I'm thinking about clustering....  I read some of the articles on this
> (bpurcells, and others, etc) and I'm still a bit confused about which is
> the best way for "Entry Level / simple" clustering.
> Right now I have 1 CFMX6.1 Pro license and a single IIS  box, sharing
> MSSQL2K with CF over 2 1Ghz processors, and a gig of ram.
> This is what i was thinking would solve the problem for me, in theory.
> How do I get this idea off the ground, and how would you do things
> differently, assuming there's a shoestring budget for this.??
> I'd want 2 machines each running IIS and CFMX6.1.  Both IIS's would
> share both CFMX instances.  Assume I have 4-5 cf apps running on virtual
> hostnames on the web servers, but only one is massive....
> Here are my questions.  Assuming I have windows 2K servers, how can I
> Get uploaded files to propagate across both machines in near real time?
> Do they share a third machine's MSSQL 2k? or do I set up 2 sql servers,
> one on each box, with replication? (Can both machines push replication
> to each other, or does one always have to be the master?)
> Please advise on a low cost, (hopefully software-based) 2 machine
> clustering setup with CF, MSSQL and IIS.
> Thanks!
> --------------------------------------------------------
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