M$ Project does have a web enabled tool via M$, Project Central its
called, unless they rnamed it again.  I have not seen it in a couple
years, but I set it up once.  It would shoot emails out and such and
allow users to login to see their tasks and all.


On Fri, 21 Jan 2005 17:30:22 -0400, Robert Munn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am a reluctant user of MS Project. All I can say is don't use it! MS 
> Project is good for very large projects with lots of details and many people, 
> but it has several significant shortcomings, IMO.
> - It is a desktop app. Why? And Project 2000 isn't even Web-enabled. I don't 
> know about 2003, maybe it has improved in this area. To me, the whole point  
> of using an app like Project is to automate the management of a project, and 
> this system just doesn't cut it. There are plenty of Web-based Project 
> imitators out there that do a compentent job.
> - It is too rigid. Task chaining, timelines, all of that stuff is too rigid, 
> at least for me. I like more flexibility to add items and fill in details 
> later. You can sort of do that with project, but it's a pain.
> - Did I mention the lack of automation? My general issue with this factor is 
> that you end up spending more time managing the project plan than managing 
> the project.
> So what do I do instead? Mostly I use email and a whiteboard, and periodic 
> high-level status reports to track progress. I've been meaning to build 
> myself a tool that fits my process for about three years now, I just haven't 
> gotten around to it.
> I recommend that you define your process before you pick a tool to use for 
> the process. You may find that once you define the process you want to use 
> for project management, the tool selection falls into place.
> > We are looking to formalize our software development processes and are
> > looking for a tool/process that will help with the project management
> > and track the software development lifecycle.
> >
> > Does anyone have recommendations for either?
> >
> > Do folks use MS Project or another tool for project management?
> >
> > How about FLiP?  Anyone use it for development?
> >
> > As always freeware is great but it's necessary.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bob
> >

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