Sean Corfield wrote:

>On 5/2/05, Alex Sherwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>When CFMX7 was launched, I queried as to why the only marketing on MM's
>>site was a small picture and some text in the center "Products" column.
>I just spoke with the web producer responsible for managing
>ColdFusion-related content on the site. He said that the blue
>"speedometer" promo badge for CFMX 7 was featured on the homepage (and
>you'll have seen it all over the CF-related pages on the site). He
>also said that certain international homepages included
>a full FMA (rotating banner ad) for CFMX 7.
>Remember that Macromedia has a lot of products and therefore a lot of
>"competition" for FMA and promo badge space - marketing has to balance
>each and every campaign in order to get the most bang for their buck,
>so to speak...

Absolute, unabated hogwash. Notice I wasn't asking why CFMX didn't get 
top billing 100% of the time, I was asking why CFMX 0% exposure at the 
top of the page. If I recall correctly, it was that same old tired Volvo 
banner that ran for WEEKS before the launch of CFM that was still showing.

Are you telling me that showing the CFMX banner to 1 in 5 visitors would 
hurt the sales of the products?!

><note type="purely personal">
>I get pretty ticked off by certain CFers feeling "slighted" every time
>that Flash or Breeze or whatever gets a mention but CF is not
>mentioned in the same article. Someone recently complained that the
>news article about Flash on mobiles (Stephen Elop's piece, I think)
>didn't mention ColdFusion but did mention Dreamweaver. It was a news
>item aimed at the business market and so it pushed the business value
>of Flash on mobiles and mentioned a reference point that those
>business users might recognize (Dreamweaver). There would have been no
>point in mentioning CF in such an article. Try not to get blinded by
>your own personal evangelism about CF (or any other technology)!
>And, yes, stop being so paranoid, OK? :)

Forgive me for being a little obtuse here, Sean, but this, too, is 
drivel. The comparison is totally irrelevent. I was referring to a 
product CREATED BY Macromedia, MARKETED by Macromedia and SOLD by 
Macromedia. I wasn't suggesting that MACR mention CFMX on the Flash 
product pages. Nor was I stating that CFMX should be mentioned in the 
same breath as Flash or other IDE tools.

I just found it odd that on the launch day of a brand new server 
product, hyped for MONTHS with all kinds of hush-hush NDAs and the like, 
that it woul get more than a 60x60 pixel image of a speedometer to 
launch it. I think the lack of fanfare reflects MM's view of the 
product, and what direction it would take when Adobe takes over.

No paranoia here, just some observations from someone who's used 
ColdFusion from the 3.0 days.

Good day.

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