I have used them from time to time as "containers" of displayed code.  Seen
a few people use them for displaying information as well, only example that
comes to mind for that is someone showed a datagrid CFC awhile back at our

On 1/16/06, Ian Skinner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Well, the generally accepted "best practice" is that CFCs should *not*
> output anything..."
> WHY???
> I understand why one would not want to mix display functionality with
> other layers of logic, and I am trying to learn how to separate my coding
> along these lines.  But nobody has explained to me why it is "inherently"
> bad to do display in a CFC as long as that is the purpose of that CFC.  Is
> there something wrong with creating a display CFC for ones view layer?
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> www.BloodSource.org
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning

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