I have to agree - I still think CF5 was more stable that MX.   Java
certainly did add a few more oddities in terms of stability which needs far
more tweaking of the JVM.

-----Original Message-----
From: Snake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 07 May 2006 00:29
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ASP.Net book for CF programmer

Altho, all things considered with the improvements CFMX brings, I still find
CF5 more stable than CFMX. The inclusion of JAVA to the equation increased
the number of things that can go wrong on your server.
Instead of just CF being the problem, you now have CF, JRUN and the JVM.
An error on CF5 was a lot easier to diagnose too, whereas you have to know
somehting about JAVA to decipher a JVM stacktrace.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 06 May 2006 22:26
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: ASP.Net book for CF programmer

Thanks for the perspective, Denny.

I've haven't tried talking with Adobe about it, but should I decide to
upgrade, I'll certainly talk to them.

As far as the changes from 4.5 to the current version, I wasn't saying not
much has changed, except from the standpoint of all the changes still end up
performing add, update, delete, report as the basics of CF functionality.

Of course, I'm speaking out of inexperience in actually using any of the
later versions, especially the current one, but what would you say are the
basic functionality advances in CF (or asp, jsp, or whatever) in the last

Sure, faster, more efficient ways of using code, faster execution, and...
(I'm sure there are many other efficiencies I'm not aware of), but what
basic purposes of CF have changed.

One of the biggest changes I have been intrigued by is Flash remoting, and
now Flex, but as one who builds sites that have to have search engine
optimization as a major concern, Flash is totally disfunctional from that
perspective compared with plain ole HTML.

I guess I'm just looking at the very broad picture of dynamic data use, and
not even just CF.

Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts.


-----Original Message-----
From: Denny Valliant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 06, 2006 4:04 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ASP.Net book for CF programmer

Out of curiosity, has anyone called adobe and tried the old human element?

I only dealt with MM via email, but they were pretty helpful.  Some
companies give their employees (i.e. sales department folks) more power than
others, allowing them to make exceptions based on their judgement.

It doesn't hurt to mention that you have several sites running 4.5, so
they'd be getting more than a one time purchase.  Sometimes future money is
worth something, probably more than old money, but...

I dunno. Depends on who you get, and how you handle it, etc.. Worth a try
tho if you're serious about it.

I know I mentioned this earlier, but I don't know if it happened, and if it
did, I'd be interested in how helpful (or non-helpful) the sales reps

Maybe Snake is correct, and they are only looking out for the big spenders,
I haven't dealt with anyone personally in quite a while, so...

Well, the human element is sooo hit and miss tho, I guess one's experience
wouldn't reflect/help too much with an other's. Eh, worth a shot at least.

I think Dave W. has the right idea, there has been a lot of work put into
CF, and I disagree with the idea that not much has changed since 4.5.
There are tons of areas with slick stuff that was never available before,
clustering is easier than ever, etc..

For contrast, where I work we use an app that costs us $7000 a year, and
they do about as much work as I do in a day that whole year. I'm
exaggerating, but not by as much as I'd like to be.

I agree, value is a concept like relation and plurals/singular(s), somewhat
gray by nature. But Dave hit it on the head, your time is the factor you
should consider above initial cost.  Of course, your time is relative, so,
it is a complicated formula (or is that equation? bah ;).  Who knows what
the future holds. Educated guesses are the best we can get.

cfdump has saved me hours alone tho, seconded. Or thirded. :-)

Good luck making up your mind, this is a decision that will continue to
effect (or affect?) you for years to come, it looks like.


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