Hi guys,

Question on how best to setup our development environment.  I know it's been
asked before, I would like your ideas on our specific setup:

Currently we maintain several applications under many websites, on a single
development server (CFMX7 and SQL2000).  Developers work direct on the
shared development server via VSS (do some work, save it, check it in to see
if it works...very time consuming).  Releases are then done by the tech
support guys, who get sent a list of things to push to test (which is
currently a manual task).  Developers have no access to SQL Admin or CF

As you can guess, this isn't the best, and I personally would like to see us
using a better source control system (Subversion?).  I would also the like
the source control and release process to be a lot more transparent in the
overall process.

I have seen mentions of people having devs running their own instances of
CF/SQL, but how the hell do you keep these up to date without creating a
logistical nightmare (i.e making sure every developer is in sync with both
code and external requirements such as IIS setup?)

Cheers in advance..

Neil Middleton

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