It would appear everyone has a different way of doing things, even though we
are all essentially trying to achieve the same thing.

I've blogged this topic to try and get some feedback on this from other
people and see if there's any general consensus.  Feel free to mention it on
your own blogs etc.  The more replies the more useful it is.



BTW, Firefox 2 spell check rocks.

On 8/9/06, Lincoln Milner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're currently switching our model.
> Current old way of doing it is to develop locally with Apache and CF to a
> MySQL or Oracle DB.  Then push changes to QA for review.  Developers use SVN
> to maintain code repositories for version/history.  Once QA is passed,
> changes FTPed to production.  No release schedule, it's a do it as you get
> approval.
> Our new way eliminates the local development environment.  We have one web
> server for dev, and DW (our chosen IDE) is set up to maintain a local copy
> for editing and to put files via SFTP.  So you FTP changes when you're ready
> to look at them in development, but can also check-in to SVN from your local
> copy.  QA and production are the same, but I'd love to implement releases
> (administrative nightmare tracking what bits of code just got approved!).
> Not ideal, and if DW could get SVN integration, so much the better, but it
> works for us, and eliminates the overhead of maintaining several versions of
> CF on developers' machines.
> Cheers!
> Lincoln
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Everett, Al (NIH/NIGMS) [C] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 4:01 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Development Environment Setup
> I'd love to do that, but we're not allowed to have "servers" installed on
> our desktop machines for "security reasons".
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OĆ°uz_DemirkapĆ½
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:37 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Development Environment Setup
> Test Server     <--->   SVN <---> Production Server
>                         |
>                         |
>                         Developers
> Test Server: Testing current status of code and deciding production
> version of code.
> Production Server: Deploying tested code version from SVN reposity.
> Developers: Every developer have their local CF installation and they
> chekin/checkout code from main SVN reposities.
> This is what we have here. :)

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