Douglas Knudsen wrote:
> and who is to audit and ensure the developer is doing this?

The security department. If they have such a large network to monitor I am sure 
they run regular Nessus scans and automatically quarantaine problems anyway. 

> Further more
> shouldn't this config be something the PC support folks should setup and
> maintain?

Not necessarily. For a local development setup you do not need Local 
Administrator, Power User is more then enough. (But if the PC support folks 
want to get involved you can do with User and a little bit of Security 
Templates voodoo.)

> In a large organisation with 10000+ PCs these are big and costly
> issues, eh?  A security head might just make seemingly idiotic choices to
> save their respective butts, eh?  Remember NIMDA?

The good old days you mean. Yea, I remember that: patches came out only every 
now and then, you had about three months to apply them before they were 

It is just a matter of procedure. I put yesterdays Admin API patch from Adobe 
on the build server yesterday morning and everybody who gets a new build today 
is patched. Piece of cake.


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