On 8/9/06, Lincoln Milner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're currently switching our model.
> Current old way of doing it is to develop locally with Apache and CF to a
> MySQL or Oracle DB.  Then push changes to QA for review.  Developers use SVN
> to maintain code repositories for version/history.  Once QA is passed,
> changes FTPed to production.  No release schedule, it's a do it as you get
> approval.
> Our new way eliminates the local development environment.  We have one web
> server for dev, and DW (our chosen IDE) is set up to maintain a local copy
> for editing and to put files via SFTP.  So you FTP changes when you're ready
> to look at them in development, but can also check-in to SVN from your local
> copy.  QA and production are the same, but I'd love to implement releases
> (administrative nightmare tracking what bits of code just got approved!).

Hey Lincoln, let us know how this goes for you.

I've always leaned toward each dev having a local setup, database y todo.

Mostly because of bad experiences "sharing" an instance.  Partly because
it gives the developer a sense of freedom, knowing they can't possibly mess
up anyone else.  Rouge query? No biggie, just copy the database again.
Wanna really dig into the code and tweak it around? Go for it!

I'm the only developer working on databases of a size that makes it a
little harder to "keep in sync". Honestly, for most stuff, it's enough to
just have some representative data.  Hardly do we need the real "latest
and greatest", unless there's a problem that's hard to reproduce.

I'd really love to get into the whole "unit testing" whatnot, maybe keeping
bits of XML representing the DB around, tie it all in to ANT scripts or
whatnot, automating as much as possible...

One of the coolest things about SVN is the commit messages.  You
can use them, and tags, to create "releases", with change logs even,
and if you've got a bug tracker, link bugs to code commits!  Sorta killing
two birds with one stone.  It does help to have a commit message
"template" that folks follow...

I am kind of thinking Virtual Machines are pretty cool, you can have
an image of the entire setup (Apache, CF, DB) and have a new
developer up and running in as long as it takes to copy 2 gigs.

Or, if you had a super beefy server, try some of those essentially
per user VM setups...

A lot probably depends on how reliable the local network is too...

I kinda miss the days of "well, the network is down, let's all go home"...

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