Sadly, in my experience almost all CF problems are due to the coder(s)
who built the system and seldom have anything to do with CF itself,
unless it was bad CF settings -- again, human error.

Its the answer no systems guy or gal wants to hear: its their own
fault (or hopefully the blame can be laid off on their predecessor(s)

I pretty much make a living going in and cleaning up established
systems so they STOP exploding at regular intervals.   One of the
first things I put in is a site-wide error handler that dumps errors
and all scope contents' to disk so I have a complete picture of the
system at point of failure.

The rest is just legwork: cleaning up the mess.  In the end a busy
server should be only throwing a few errors per day, and those only
because perhaps my client doesn't want to reinvent a certain wheel for
a bunch of cash and is willing to put up with X faults daily --
especially when they know they were at X*100 when we started out.

I'll also acknowledge that early CFMX had its share of problems but
those have largely disappeared.

One thing I can point to also is the desire to do too many things on a
server.  In the past I've been (in)famous for being able to stretch
resources.  Getting CF running right, and then being able to put on a
mail server and a db server on the same (overbuilt) box. No matter
what your server specs, that is an inferior way to go about things and
should ALWAYS be avoided... speaking in hindsight.

I started out running everything on one big box.  Then I broke off the
db and stability went way up.  Then -- recently -- I went ape and
turned a 2-server system into one that uses 5.  I use a lot of little
servers to do the same job I formerly needed 2 big ones for and
stability has gone thru the roof while costs have decreased.  My
CF/IIS server hosts about 50 small- to mid-trafficked sites and I
never even need to restart CF anymore.  Formerly when the CF server
was also hosting stats and mail/antispam I needed to restart it in the
wee hours every day.    Taking away supposedly unrelated items gave
the box the breathing room it needs to run forever.

Janitor, MSB Web Systems

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