Hmm I am not sure I fully the moment your code will
output 'no risorce' in place of any links when there are no records
returned. Is this what you want?

This is what is happening for me

On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Alex
> >
> >That code seems to work ok ... I am not sure I understand exactly what
> >your problem is ... I am getting a link if there are records from the
> >query and a message if there isn't any records
> >
> >Can you explain more about what your poblem is?
> >
> >Rich
> >
> >On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> yes you understood well that when the recordcount is not 0 it gives me a link 
> or a list of links which it does properly but when it encounters a situation 
> where it has no records the code must write a message over where the links 
> are.. this it does not it only leaves it blank..
> alex
> alex

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