>Hmm I am a little stumped
>The only things that I can think of:
>- are you using <Cfsetting enablecfoutput="yes"> anywhere ? try
>wrapping the text in <cfoutput> tags - although I don't think that it
>is this otherwise your links wouldn't output whent there are records
>- some kind of CSS overide ? seems unlikely though... have you viewed
>source to see if there are any clues in there?
>Is the page live where we could have a look at it?
>Maybe I am missing something obvious here but I can't see it !
>On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i tried looking at it couldn't figure out and i'm not using cfsetting either 
you could check it out with this url
you could see links at the right box programmi the first two has list on the 
succeeding page on the box risorse and the third to the last links has not and 
with that it leaves the risorse box blank instead of writing the message i 
want.. thanks again 

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