
Have you tested if the code is definitely dropping to the 'else'
condition when there are no records being retrieved

- try out putting the recordcount to make sure you know what you are
getting back from the query or dumping the contents before the
conditional block

- on the else condition, try doing a dump or something (assuming you
have a test/dev server) of the query results so that you know that you
are dropping in to the else condition ok e.g. <cfdump var="#risorse#">

See what happens there?

On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Hmm I am a little stumped
> >
> >The only things that I can think of:
> >
> >- are you using <Cfsetting enablecfoutput="yes"> anywhere ? try
> >wrapping the text in <cfoutput> tags - although I don't think that it
> >is this otherwise your links wouldn't output whent there are records
> >
> >- some kind of CSS overide ? seems unlikely though... have you viewed
> >source to see if there are any clues in there?
> >
> >Is the page live where we could have a look at it?
> >
> >Maybe I am missing something obvious here but I can't see it !
> >
> >On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> i tried looking at it couldn't figure out and i'm not using cfsetting either 
> you could check it out with this url 
> you could see links at the right box programmi the first two has list on the 
> succeeding page on the box risorse and the third to the last links has not 
> and with that it leaves the risorse box blank instead of writing the message 
> i want.. thanks again

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