>Have you tested if the code is definitely dropping to the 'else'
>condition when there are no records being retrieved
>- try out putting the recordcount to make sure you know what you are
>getting back from the query or dumping the contents before the
>conditional block
>- on the else condition, try doing a dump or something (assuming you
>have a test/dev server) of the query results so that you know that you
>are dropping in to the else condition ok e.g. <cfdump var="#risorse#">
>See what happens there?

i did what you told me <cfdump var="risorse.recordcount> and i placed it after 
the <cfelse> i don't know if it is right and it returns to me the number of 
records if there are or zero (0) if nothing thanks again 

>On 10/27/06, alex poyaoan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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