I've watched many threads and have heard many discussions over the years with 
regard to CFUnited. While the general consensus is that CFUnited is the best 
CFML conference, many conversations like this latest thread have been unjustly 

I've heard complaints about the cost for delegates, the cost for vendors, the 
number and type of perks for speakers, the ownership of content and mailing 
lists, the lack of sharing of proceeds from reprinted media, amongst numerous 

But what about all the positives? What about all the commitment and risk 
TeraTech undertakes to deliver this show – bigger and better every year?

What about praise for all the hard work, time and dedication that Michael 
Smith, Liz Frederick, the entire staff at TeraTech, and countless numbers of 
volunteers (and even many “evil” vendors) expend to make CFUnited the 
premier event for the CFML community?

What about consideration and thanks for the corresponding risk that Michael 
Smith and TeraTech assumes by putting their name and fiscal responsibility 
behind an event that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to operate?

So many people seem so eager to get their own slice of some imaginary 
mega-usa-dollar pie that *must* be left over from such a large, popular and 
growing event like CFUnited. People ask for their slice as lower prices, more 
speaker perks, better food, better wireless, “profit sharing” from DVD 
sales, and on and on and on…

Are these same people willing to share the risk with Michael and TeraTech if 
CFUnited ever lost money? Would they be willing to write a check to TeraTech 
today if there were a few bills left unpaid from last year’s show? Would the 
speakers be willing to help defray the costs of video production and 
distribution costs if this new and innovative venture lost money?

Well, here’s your chance. Commit to TeraTech today that you’re willing to 
help them underwrite the entire CFUnited production. For as great as CFUnited 
has become, it is not a huge profit center for TeraTech. If fact, there was not 
a penny left over from last year’s show. Even further – there were indeed a 
few bills left to pay.

Should CFUnited make a profit for TeraTech? I think so, and I encourage them to 
have that goal all the time. Michael is very gracious to this community, and I 
don’t think profit matters as much to him as it would for me. He does this in 
large part for the greater good of your community. He deserves continued thanks 
for his vision and effort.

So is CFUnited poorly run? Not a chance! Liz does a superb job organizing this 
event. If anything, they are trying too hard to make this a continually better 
experience for every member of this community. Every effort, every improvement 
has a new or increased cost associated with it.

But why is CFUnited costing more every year? Look at the changes over the past 
years. The facility is first class. The perks and food and connectivity and 
speaker quality and… get better and better every year. Better costs more than 

As great as the early CFUN years were, I’m not interested in going back to 
damp and dingy hotel basements with no connectivity and crummy food. CFML 
programmers complain all the time that they don’t get the recognition and 
respect when compared to their industry peers. Well you know what? That sure 
isn’t true when it comes to conferences. CFUnited is a premier first rate 
event that every member of this community should be proud of – whether you 
attend it or not!

So, cut Michael, Liz and the whole TeraTech gang some slack. Go out of your way 
to offer them praise – now knowing full well that they are not producing this 
event to fleece you. They are incredibly dedicated, gracious and compassionate 
people committed to keeping this community strong.


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