And surely, like most if not all CS grads you would have learned a design
pattern in whatever OO language you were taught? A framework probably was
shown as well, and it's benefits?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Small
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed May 02 22:26:01 2007
Subject: Can I ask a question? (RE: Frameworks)

We've (our development team) been using Dreamweaver, and we use it
internally for checking in/out documents. We write CFCs and utilize
Dreamweaver's "Components" tab. We use store all of our "most used code" in
snippets that we all share, and we're all trained Computer Science graduates
(not designers or graphic artists who "picked up" web "programming")...

Why would we use a framework? What would be the benefit?

I only ask because all of these framework discussions always leave me with
the feeling of, "hmmm... that sounds really 'neat' but with our workflow it
seems really redundant..." or perhaps better said, "that seems like a lot of
overhead to achieve what we already achieve pretty effortlessly"...

Is there something I'm missing from a framework that I don't get from simply
utilizing all the tools available in Dreamweaver? Even Ajax, which gave me
pause a few months ago, thinking, "hmmm, now I *might* need a framework to
implement some of these whiz-bang Ajax doo-hickeys" now seems a thing of the
past with Spry shipping with Dreamweaver CS3.

Am I missing something? We don't re-write code. We re-use everything. It's
all available in our snippet library, and our CFCs are constantly being
reused. Is there something more that we could be doing with a framework that
we're not able to do without it?

I just thought it seemed like an "appropriate" question because of the
framework threads that have been popping up all over the place lately... got
me thinking and all...

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